• 2021-22 Parent Teacher Association

    Meeting Dates and Times

    Location: MPR

    Date  |  Agenda/Notes

    September 10, 2021  |  Notes

    PTA Board 2021-22

    President: Mrs. Consuelo Morales

    Secretary: Mrs. Gabby Coronado

    Treasure: Mrs. Ayala

    2020-21 Parent Teacher Association

    Meeting Dates & Times

    Location: Zoom

    Date  |  Agenda  |  Notes

    August 29, 2020  |  Click for Agenda  |  Click for Google Slides

    2020-21 PTA Officers
    Mr. Acosta, President
    Mrs. Morales, Vice President
    Ms. Ramirez, Treasure

PTA Goals

  • All the Arts For All the Kids
    Field Trips
    Picnic on the Green
    Mother and Son Event
    Father and Daughter Dance