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MyFSD Academy (Homeschool)
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MyFSD Academy FAQs
What is MyFSD Academy?
MyFSD Academy is a year-long program homeschool that offers high quality, flexible learning options for students in grades TK-8 with the support of a credentialed teacher.
Does my student need to attend in person?
No. MyFSD Academy students will not need to participate in regular attendance at the school site. Assignments will be provided and submitted virtually. Open office hours will be available for your student to attend, and scheduled one-on-one meetings with the teacher can be virtual or in-person. Each year students will attend an enrollment appointment as well as for any required state testing.
What’s the difference between Online and Offline delivery models?
Online learning is a way of delivering education and instruction using internet-based technology. In the offline learning model, students will be able to work on worksheets, print outs, and activities that don’t require a device.
What does a regular school day look like for students of MyFSD Academy?
Students will receive support and direction from a MyFSD Academy teacher, and then spend most of the day on independent activities or online assignments. Students will be taught the California standards through project-based learning and thematic units.
How do I enroll my student?
See our Enrollment page for the Online Application.
Can my student return to traditional school mid-year?
Students may return to their school of residence if space is available. If space is not available, they can attend another school in Fullerton School District with space availability. Transfers back are planned to coincide with the end of grading periods, trimesters, for elementary. Students who leave the FSD for private or charter schools will have to re-apply for choice transfers if they would like to return.
Who assigns the grades?
Our expert MyFSD Academy teachers will assess students’ knowledge via multiple measures including tests, quizzes, performance tasks, activities, and projects. MyFSD Academy teachers assign marks for completed work using an FSD report card.
What is the parent’s role at MyFSD Academy?
Parents have an important role in their student’s education. Parents should help their students create a quiet space for work as well as protecting time to complete their work. Parents are learning partners and help ensure students are on task and keeping up with their daily work. This assistance with time management is especially important for younger students. Most students require less parental support as they get older.
How long will it take my student to complete their MyFSD Academy work each day?
Teachers will be available to provide interaction daily through recorded videos or through face-to-face instruction in a virtual format for 30-60 minutes on average. In addition, students will complete online lessons and projects at their own pace. Each student will work through their MyFSD Academy assignments at a different pace. However, the following is a general guideline of time expectations for students:
TK-2: Three hours per day on average
3-7: Four hours per day on average
Students on IEPs, 504s
Students with active IEPs must be placed at MyFSD Academy via the IEP team. The team must discuss and determine that online/independent learning is an appropriate setting for the student. Similarly, students on 504s should discuss if online/independent learning best meets their academic needs with their 504 team.
What if my student needs additional support?
MyFSD Academy teachers will have weekly open office hours. Students can attend these office hours in person or virtually to ask questions and get assistance with their assignments.
If I choose to enroll at MyFSD Academy, do I lose my homeschool spot?
If you enroll in MyFSD Academy homeschool programand change your mind midyear, you will lose your spot at your home school of residence if no space is available.
What is the symposium/seminar?
Unique to MyFSD Academy are optional symposiums (elective classes) designed to deepen areas of interest. Symposium topics could include writing, STEM, videography, physical education, or the Arts. These symposiums will be taught by our MyFSD Academy teachers or other FSD staff with expertise in these areas. At the start of the year, a survey will be sent out to seek out additional potential symposium topics. Symposiums could be a one-day seminar lasting from 45 minutes to an hour. Others may be a series of sessions over several weeks.
Can parents provide their own California standards-based materials instead of what is provided by the district?
For MyFSD Academy, Fullerton School District-adopted curriculum must be used. Parents cannot provide their own materials even though they are aligned to California standards.
Can my child use their own device?
The district will provide a device. However, if the family wishes to use their own device, it will need to be an iPad Air 2, iPad 5th generation, or later to be compatible with the apps used in the MyFSD Academy program. Please note that your student's device will not be controlled in any way by the district and the Internet will not be filtered by the district. It will be the responsibility of the parent to filter Internet access for this device. If your student was using a district device the Internet would be filtered to meet CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) standards. You will also need to purchase apps that would normally be provided by the district on district-provided devices if they are needed for instruction. The personal device won't be connected to the district's MDM (Mobile Device Management) program that the district cannot transfer the paid apps to a personal device. The district will not be liable or responsible for any damages to the personal device or any loss of the personal device because of its use in this program.
How will MyFSD Academy support socialization and peer interaction?
Unique to our program will be symposiums/seminars where students can attend and interact with their peers. These are specialized classes in an area where a student has an interest. We will begin to offer these classes when it is safe to do so. Although it is a homeschool model, you would be part of the school community and invited to the events that are hosted on the campus and in the district. This is a strength of the program.
In the MyFSD Academy video, what does teacher-led and parent-led really mean?
Flexibility and options are part of the design of the program. Teacher-led means that the parent wants the teacher to assign lessons, track and monitor student progress, and provide some direct instruction. The learning will be pushed out through an online platform with videos and hints to support student learning. The parent would be responsible for helping the student manage their time and stay on-task. If the parent wants to take the lead and be responsible for teaching the lessons, then we will provide the materials and the parent would instruct the student. In addition, the parent would still be responsible for helping the student manage their time and stay on-task.
Will daily attendance be taken?
Attendance will not be taken in the traditional sense. Attendance will depend upon the amount of work completed by the student.
Is MyFSD Academy going to continue for the upcoming school years?
Yes. FSD has been planning this homeschool program over the last two years and it's designed for parents who want to have an opportunity for their children to participate in a facilitated homeschool setting.
What platform will be used for sharing and submitting assignments?
MyFSD Academy students and teachers will be using Canvas, a learning platform that can easily connect teachers and students both in and out of the classroom.
What if my child is advanced, will he/she be able to move to a higher level of the curriculum?
A MyFSD Academy teacher will conduct assessments to address each student’s academic needs. It’s possible for the teacher to assign a higher level curriculum to students to help them achieve their full potential.