
Essay Links

  • 1. Students will first share the link to their essay on the Argumentative Form

    2. Next, go to "List of Essays" and select an essay you want to edit.  Place your first name under your job title and next to their essay.  Also put your first name in the corresponding cell in the "Editor's Job Schedule"

    3. You are only allowed to edit a paper if you have submitted your own paper first.  

    4. After you edit a paper go back to the Editor's Job Schedule and color fill in the cell of your name and the student's essay you edited.

    5.  Now look for another student who needs to have your job checked  on the Editor's Job Schedule

      Editor's Job Schedule
      List of Essays
      Benchmark 2 Essays

Learn Zillion - Explanatory/Informative Essay

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

  • First, download the article, Girl Power to Notability.  Read it several times to determine the central theme to the article. Then use the following lessons on Learn Zillion to learn how to write an Explanatory Essay.

    • Compose a thesis statement - Quick Code: LZ4191
    • Generate ideas and evidence for an informational essay - Quick Code: LZ4192
    • Organize ideas and information using an outline - Quick Code: LZ4193
    • Write an introduction to an explanatory essay - Quick Code: LZ4194
    • Compose a body paragraph - Quick Code: LZ4195
    • Use appropriate transitions between paragraphs - Quick Code: LZ4196
    • Write a conclusion - Quick Code: LZ4197
    • Revise writing to use precise words and phrases - Quick Code: LZ4198
    • Revise writing to edit errors in comma usage - Quick Code: LZ4199

How to Write a Great Introduction Paragraph

Online Resources

Figurative Language Keynote

Copy of Figurative Language

Figurative Language Presentation

  • This is a short presentation that will help explain the different types of figurative language and how they can be used in your writing.

    Click on Digital Voices to take you to their website.   This site will help you practice using metaphors in poetry.

Literature Circle Projects

Common Core Standards: Writing

  • The following link goes to a website that explains, in kid friendly language, the Common Core Standards for 6th Grade Writing

      Common Core: Writing

Grammar Practice Websites

Comic Creator