• Open Enrollment and Transfers

    Open Enrollment Dates for 2025-2026
    Open enrollment for the 2025-26 school year will begin on January 13, 2025 and will close on February 14, 2025.  
    The Open Enrollment provides an opportunity for parents to apply to have their children attend a school other than their school of residence.
    Interested parties may request an Intradistrict Transfer form by submitting an application online via the Fullerton School District website www.fullertonsd.org between January 16th and February 16th.
    For more information regarding Intradistrict Transfers (students residing in Fullerton), please click here.
    For more information regarding Interdistrict Transfers (students residing outside of Fullerton or requesting a non-FSD school), please click here.
    For further information, please contact the front office at 714-447-7765.