Transitional Kindergarten

  • FSD Transitional Kindergarten is the first of a two-year, age and developmentally appropriate kindergarten program enhanced with technology integration.  Our goal is to foster social and emotional development, collaborative play, and self-directed learning through a variety of experiences.  Parents are encouraged to become partners in their child’s education.

    Welcome to Sunset Lane's TK program! I am looking forward to the new school year and thrilled to be your child's teacher. Our classroom is filled with fun and lots of learning. We spend time working on Transitional Kindergarten skills, but we also spend time singing, dancing, engaging in the arts as well as getting to know one another.  I am committed to providing a safe and happy environment for your child to grow and learn. I also want every child's social-emotional growth and well-being to be nurtured and will do what I can to allow them room to explore. We have a Reggio Emilia inspired classroom that ignites creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration in our play.

Mrs. Walker's Info

  • Hello All....

    The best way to get a hold of me is through direct messages on Seesaw.  Another option is email at:

    I can also be reached by phone outside of teaching hours at 714-447-7750 which is Sunset Lane's office phone number.

Important TK Announcements

    • Seesaw- Please sign up for our Seesaw class so you can stay updated with announcements and your child's learning!  I will use that platform for student journals, student photos, class announcements and parent messages.
    • BirthdaysBirthdays are special celebrations for children! However, we would like to enforce certain guidelines to ensure that our daily routine and learning is not disrupted. If you would like to do something to celebrate your child's birthday with his/her classmates, consider donating a gently used or new book to the classroom library. Your child can help select the book, put his/her name and picture on the inside cover, and wrap the book to give as a present to the class. The book will then be shared with the class on his/her special day and added to the classroom library. We will also celebrate your child’s birthday by singing Happy Birthday, and they will receive a small gift from me. As health, allergies and nutrition are becoming major areas of focus, we have been directed to discourage cakes, cupcakes, and sweets to celebrate. Some ideas are special pencils, erasers, stickers, etc. If you choose to bring something for the class, you can drop it by the office. Please notify me ahead if you plan to bring anything.

Welcome to TK at Sunset Lane - Room 104's philosophy for our students


Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!

  • Hi all.... welcome to room 104's TK classroom.  This should be a very exciting year.   I'm Mrs. Walker, your child's teacher.  I am so excited to be here at Sunset Lane.  We will be learning so much this year and I would expect this year to be very fulfilling for both the students and the parents.  I encourage questions and I love to see the students really involved in all we are doing.  

Mrs. Walker says.....

  • I've been teaching in the Fullerton School District for over 30 years.  I received my B.A. in English and American Studies with a minor in Child Development from CSUF, as well as my Masters degree in education from Chapman University. I've taught every grade through eighth, including GATE.  I enjoy my family, reading, baking, traveling, exercising, sports and of course shopping...who doesn't, right?!  I'm really looking forward to a great year.  Look to "See Saw" for exciting events and to be "in the know"….. that's where our classroom soars!

    Mrs Walker photo