• Syllabus & Policies

  • Parent Confirmation Form
  • Mrs. Demonteverde's Math & Science Syllabus
  • Syllabus History

    Cultural Connections SyllabusClass Procedures

  • Sixth Grade Policies & Procedures

    Absences: Any homework or projects assigned prior to your absence are due when you return to class. For homework or projects assigned during the absence, every day you are absent, you are allowed two days to complete your missing work. Upon returning, you are responsible for checking to see what you missed.

    Academic Honesty: Academic honesty requires that students produce work that is their own work. Students committing acts of academic dishonesty disrespect themselves and their classmates. Disciplinary action that may be taken can be found the Beechwood Student Handbook.

    Academic dishonesty consists of:

    Using dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means to obtain or attempt to obtain credit for academic work.

    Using notes, aids, or another student's assistance to complete a test, project, or other assignment in a way other than expressly permitted by the teacher. Unless otherwise directed by the teacher, students should complete all assignments individually.

    Looking at another student's test, answer sheet, or other materials.

    Communicating during a test. This includes talking, writing, attempting to get another student's attention, and non-verbal communication (eye contact, body movement).

    Copying from or allowing another student to copy from a test, homework, or other course work.

    Accessing, deleting, modifying, transferring, or receiving computerized files without authorization of the teacher. 

    Plagiarizing materials - taking the specific or general idea of another person's work and offering it as one's own work without giving credit to the original author. Plagiarizing also includes omitting quotation marks for directly quoted material, omitting bibliographic references either in the text or on a source page and the end of the assignment, and/or paraphrasing an author without giving credit to that author for use of his or her ideas. Paraphrasing is the student's use of an author's idea by rewording and/or rearranging that author's original text.

    Agenda: Everyday when you come into class, an agenda will be written on the board. By reading this every day, you will know which supplies you need and can start when the bell rings. Students who fail to bring in the needed materials (including homework) will lose citizenship points for not being prepared. Students are strongly advised to check the board every day before class starts.

    Behavior: Please refer to the Beechwood Discipline Matrix for specific codes of conduct for the school. In the classroom, teachers will issue a warning to students who do not follow the expectations of the Matrix. Repeated warnings may result in an infraction (and possible detention). Extreme behavior will be dealt with immediately and a minimum of an infraction notice will be served.  2 infractions in one trimester per class will result in an 'N' in behavior. 

    Community & Service: Students in 6th grade are required to complete 9 hours of Community & Service as part of the IB Programme. Students who do not complete 9 hours may be restricted from end of the year activities. Forms will be due the first week of May.

    Extra Credit: Extra credit is not generally offered. If it is offered, it will be available to all students. Please do not ask for extra credit. Students are encouraged to work hard on all assignments the first time to prevent the need for extra credit.

    Food & Drinks: In class, students may drink water in a resealable container or treats provided by the teacher. Students caught eating or chewing gum in class will first be given a warning and then an infraction notice and detention for successive incidents.  

    Grades: Grades are always accessible through PowerSchool. We will make every effort to keep grades up to date. Please keep in mind, however, that larger assignments will take longer to grade.

    Homework: Homework assignments will be written in the student's planner. Students should not depend on Haiku for updated HW information since the website is not updated every day. Class work that is not completed in class will not be listed as homework, but will be written in the planner to be completed. Students should make sure that all assignments and due dates are on their calendars. We encourage parents to check the planners often.

    Late Work: It is very important for students to complete assignments on time! Having a busy schedule filled with sports and other extra-curriculars is never an excuse for not getting homework done. You are responsible for making sure that you have time to complete your assignments. All school work should be completed by the assigned due date. The following rules apply to late work:

    • Late work may be turned in up to TWO weeks late.
    • A penalty will be assessed for the assignment.  The amount of the penalty is at the discretion of the teacher.  
    • No late work will be accepted after TWO weeks and the student will receive a zero for the assignment.

    No Name: Any paper work turned in without a name will be placed in the “No Name” tray. Full credit will not be given for work turned in without a name. 

    Test Taking Policy: During any test or quiz there is to be no communication. Communication is defined as, but not limited to, the passage of information from one person to another. It does not matter if the communication is directly related to the test or if it was irrelevant to the testing material. See Academic Honesty above. Students communicating during a test will receive a zero on the test.