School Site Council

  • The School Site Council (SSC) is required for schools receiving categorical funds. These funds are used to supplement the regular school program. The purpose of the SSC is to develop and approve the School Site Plan, which is a comprehensive plan designed to improve the effectiveness of the school program. In order to accomplish this task, the SSC meets on a regular basis to assess student needs, develop and approve the plan including categorical budgets, and monitor its implementation. At Raymond School, the SSC meets a minimum of five times a year in our school.

    Members of the SSC include the principal, classroom teachers, other staff members, and parents. Members of the SSC are elected by their peers; therefore, parents are elected by parents. Three parents are members of the Raymond SSC. A member serves for two years through a nomination process. A ballot is sent home to all parents. The parents with the highest number of votes will serve on the SSC.

    School Site Council  Meetings for the 2023-2024 school year are below.  All parents & staff are welcome.

    Date / Agenda / Minutes for 2024-2025

    All meetings begin at 2:45 pm. 
    Meeting in the MPR
    September 19, 2024
    Agenda Minutes
    October 17, 2024 Agenda Minutes
    February 20, 2025 Agenda Minutes
    April 10, 2025 Agenda Minutes