This is a state mandated test that measures student's health in 6 different areas: Aerobic Capacity, Upper Body Strength, Abdominal Strength, Shoulder Flexibility, Lower Back Strength and Flexibility, and Body Composition. This test takes place in March/April. The 6 tests used at Acacia are the PACER (aerobic capacity), 90 degree Push-Up (Upper Body Strength), Curl-Ups (Abdominal Strength), Shoulder Stretch (Shoulder Flexibility), Trunk Lift (Lower Back Strength/Flexibility, and Body Mass Index (Body Composition) taken from height and weight measurements. Students within the HEALTHY FITNESS ZONE (HFZ) for that test pass. Being in the HFZ for 5 of 6 tests is considered a passing score for the overall PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST (PFT). The test is given in 5th, 7th, and 9th grade.