• Classroom Updates and Announcements

    Hello room 13 families,

    This week we will begin a new spelling and vocabulary procedure. We will be studying classical roots.  Each week the kids will work with 8 words, and will be required to know the spelling and meanings of each of those words.  They will receive a study packet to complete for the week.  Packets will be assigned at the beginning of the week and will be due each Friday.  There will be a separate spelling test and vocabulary test for each unit. This week, we will be covering unit 1 in class only (no homework) to get the kids used to the new routine.

    We started learning cursive handwriting last week in class.  It's so fun to see the kids try hard and make progress!  Starting this week, cursive homework will be assigned Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Simple Solutions will be assigned on Mondays and Wednesdays.  The cursive videos will be posted in the kids' Seesaw journals, so they will need their iPads for this homework. The expectation is that they complete a whole page of practice. Expect cursive homework to take 15 minutes or so.  All kids who complete every cursive assignment in a timely manner will get to celebrate at a "Cursive Club" special lunch with the teacher.  

    You will be able to view your child's progress in memorizing multiplication tables to 10 on their latest fact assessment this Wednesday. They will be posting a picture of their latest assessment in their Seesaw journal.  

    Family Arts Night at Acacia is this Thursday, January 23.  All classes are free and held at school from 6:00-7:30 PM.  No registration is required. Please see the flyer attached to Sunday's email.

    Acacia STEM Club (known in the past as Robotics)

    STEM Club is coming to Acacia!  Students in grades 2nd-6th are encouraged to join!  Please click on this Google Form for more information and to apply. If your child is interested in joining, please complete the Google Form no later than January 31.

    Our next school-wide spirit day theme is "Squad Day" on Wednesday, January 29. Our class voted on "Sleepy Heads"! The kids are invited to wear pajamas that day. They may also bring a small pillow or blanket and a stuffy to snuggle up with in class.  Slippers are ok in class, but the kids must have proper shoes (and clothing) for PE that day.

    Daily Homework and Announcements

    Have a great week!

    Kindest Regards,

    Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Valenzuela

  • Welcome to 3rd Grade GATE!

  • Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Valenzuela

    Your teachers!  Mrs. Valenzuela and Mrs. Lewis


  • Learning Highlights

    English Language Arts: We have finished our first four Junior Great Books stories.  We will begin working on a project related to these stories in class.  

    Math: We are working in Chapter 5, which covers more multiplication concepts.  The children should be working at home to master their multiplication tables to ten.  10-15 minutes of practice daily is recommended.

    Science: We are studying changing environments in our life science unit

    Social Emotional Learning:  We are working in Unit 2 on Emotion Management

Classroom Resources

  • 3rd Grade Report Card
  • 3rd Grade Voluntary Supply List
  • Cursive Packet
  • Personal Bookshelf