Homework must be completed neatly in pencil or typed. Assignments that are completed and turned in on time receive full credit. Incomplete assignments will receive zero credit until they are completed and turned in at a later date. Any completed late work will be accepted for 80% credit. 


    Assignments & activities are recorded on a daily log in the classroom and on the class website. It is the student's responsibility to find out what they missed and obtain any required materials. Most handouts can be downloaded on the class website. 

    Make-up assignments are due five school days after the absence, unless it is a prolonged absence. Make-up work should be placed in the "Late Work file", located in the front of the room and to the right of the whiteboard.  


    Every assignment requires an "Assignment Title" centered on the first line of the paper. The students' names, dates, and periods are written in the upper right corner of the paper. Points will be deducted for missing information.


    Any work turned in without a name will be placed in the “No Name file” in the front of the room, right of the whiteboard. Students may claim work from this tray for up to 80% of the total points possible. Any work that is not claimed within two weeks will be thrown away.


    Students can expect to have Quizzes and Tests within a unit. During any Quiz or Test, there is to be no communication. It is irrelevant if the conversation is directly related to the testing material. See Academic Dishonesty above for penalties.


           50% - Tests, Projects, Quizzes

           50% - Classwork / Homework


    Outstanding: The student always stays on task, follows directions and rules, is responsible, and organized. The student adds to the class in a positive way by participating in class discussions and working in a cooperative and helpful way with team members.

    Satisfactory: The student usually stays on task, and follows directions and rules. Most of the time, the student is responsible and organized. The student participates appropriately and seldom needs to be corrected by the teacher. 

    Needs Improvement:  Students need to be reminded frequently to stay on task, and to follow rules and directions. Students continually need reminders to be responsible, organized, and respectful to others. Students frequently disrupt class through inappropriate behavior. 

    Unsatisfactory: The student makes little or no effort to stay on task and fails to follow directions and rules. Students are disrespectful and consistently disrupt student learning.


    Students committing acts of academic dishonesty show disrespect for themselves and their classmates. This behavior will be met with a zero on the assignment, assigned detention, and an administrative referral. 


    A tardy is defined as any student not in their seat before the tardy bell rings. Students who are tardy three times in a quarter will be assigned detention and their citizenship grades will be lowered.