Myers, David
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PE Rules
- Students are expected to be on time to class by being seated on their roll call number after the tardy bell rings AND after the 4-minute changing period in the locker room.
- Students must dress in PE uniforms daily, even if not actively participating.
- PE shirts must be tucked in at all times.
- Sweatpants/sweatshirts are recommended when the weather cools. PE sweatpants and sweatshirts are available to purchase.
- If not wearing PE issued sweatpants or sweatshirt, they must be grey or black with no pockets, zippers, or hoods and PE shirt/shorts must be worn over top.
- If students forget their PE clothes, “loaners” will be assigned for student to wear for the day.
- Dressing out for PE is not an option. It is mandatory. Students who choose to not dress out in proper PE attire will receive a discipline referral and will not be allowed to participate in the daily lesson.
- Students must bring a parent or doctor’s note if unable to participate in class. Note must be turned in to Attendance Office before school.
Parent/Doctor Notes
Parent notes excusing PE due to illness/injury will be accepted to excuse students from rigorous PE activities lasting 3 days or less. A doctor’s note must be given on the 4th day to be excused (CA Law). Students must dress-out even with an excuse. Parent notes do not excuse students from dressing out and walking. An alternate assignment worth 10 points per day will be given to students who have a doctor’s note excusing them from all physical activity.
Grade Breakdown
A 90%-100% 20% Assessments (push-up, jump rope, mile, & PACER)
B 80%-89% 80% Participation/effort & dressing out
C 70%-79%
D 60%-69%
F Below 60%
Daily Grading Scale
Students will be graded based on a points system. There are 10 possible participation points per day. Assessments are also worth up to 10 points.
Point deductions for daily participation are as follows:
Preparedness - Student is wearing their assigned PE clothes (2 points).
Participation - Student is actively engaged in PE lesson (2 points).
Dressed out - Student is fully dressed out in PE clothes or loaners (2 points).
Behavior - Student follows directions/Student is safe and respectful (2 points).
Prompt - Student is on time to class AND on time out of locker room (2points).
Discipline Problem (-1-10)
No Dress (-10)
- Since PE is primarily a participation-based class, students must be present in class to receive daily points. Students with unexcused absences will be required to do a make-up activity to receive points for the day(s) they may have missed. Students must complete the make-up activity by Friday of the week following that in which they missed to receive credit.
Locker Room
Discipline problems in the locker room can result in losing locker room privileges.
- 1st offense - 1 day suspension from locker room
- 2nd offense - 1 week suspension from locker room
- 3rd offense - 1 quarter suspension from locker room
If problem persists after 3rd offense, student can lose locker room usage for the remainder of the school year.
Please see below for Assessment Grading Scales
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me during my conference period.
Mr. Myers contact information: (714) 447-7775
Conference Period: 7th
Mile Grading
Grade Points Percent Time A+ 10 100% 6:59 or lower A 9 90% 7:00 - 8:59 B 8 80% 9:00 - 10:59 C 7 70% 11:00 - 12:59 D 6 60% 13:00 - 14:59 F 5 50% 15:00 - 16:59 REDO 0 0% 17:00 and above
PACER Grading
Grade Points Percent Laps A+ 10 100% 50+ A 9 90% 40 - 49 B 8 80% 30 - 39 C 7 70% 20 - 29 D 6 60% 16 - 19 F 5 50% 10 - 15 REDO 0 0% 0 - 9
Jump Rope TEST
Grade Points Percent Jumps A+ 10 100% 100+ A 9.0 - 9.9 90% - 99% 90 - 99 B 8.0 - 8.9 80% - 89% 80 - 89 C 7.0 - 7.9 70% - 79% 70 - 79 D 6.0 - 6.9 60% - 69% 60 - 69 F 5.0 - 5.9 50% - 59% 50 - 59 4.0 - 4.9 40% - 49% 40 - 49 3.0 - 3.9 30% - 39% 30 - 39 2.0 - 2.9 20% - 29% 20 - 29 1.0 - 1.9 10% - 19% 10 - 19 0.0 - 0.9 0% - 9% 0.0 - 9