1st Period PE 8 - vpf73vq
2nd Period PE 8 - x5up4en
3rd Period PE 8 - usxpvd6
6th Period Strength Training PE - ur3cgkv
Tutorial - tr33z4y
From: Portsmouth, OH
Teaching Experience: 13 years
Years at Nicolas: 10 years
Colleges: West Virginia State University
California State University, Fullerton
Degrees: Bachelor of Science - Education
Master of Science - Kinesiology
1st Period PE 8 - vpf73vq
2nd Period PE 8 - x5up4en
3rd Period PE 8 - usxpvd6
6th Period Strength Training PE - ur3cgkv
Tutorial - tr33z4y
1st Period - PE 8
2nd Period - PE 8
3rd Period - PE 8
4th Period - PE 8
5th Period - Strength Training PE
6th Period - Strength Training PE
7th Period - Prep
Office Hours: 7th Period
Email: david_myers@myfsd.org
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
0% - 59% = F
All assignments turned in after the due date are considered LATE.
All LATE WORK will be given a MAXIMUM of HALF CREDIT.
Absent students must complete make-up activities by Friday of the week following that in which they missed to receive credit.
O = 0 tardies
S = 1-5 tardies or loaner use.
N = 6-9 tardies or loaner use.
U = 10+ tardies or loaner use.