Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Posted by Nathan and Samantha on 5/21/2024 2:00:00 PM

Today our Wood Shop students were honored at the ribbon cutting ceremony in front of the Tiny Home! So many important people, including Mayor Dunlap, attended the ceremony. One of our amazing leadership students, Allison Rosales, spoke about the documentation ASB has captured and the progress of the Wood Shop students' work.  Wood Shop student, Lizzy Tapia talked about all the work the wood shop class has done and what they have learned in the process.  A few 1st/2nd grade classes from Orangethorpe Elementary came to the ceremony and attended a Home Depot workshop class to create a bird feeder with the help of Nicolas leadership and Wood Shop students. After the speeches and the ribbon was officially cut, groups were allowed to tour the Tiny Home. We are so proud of all of our students and faculty included in this amazing, inspiring project. We can’t wait to see what next year’s students will accomplish!

Tiny home ready for ribbon cutting

Mr. Diaz, Lizzy and Allison welcoming the guests the the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Mr. Diaz, Mayor Dunlap and Mr. Davis

Allison and Lizzy M C ing the event.

Good turn out to support the tiny home.

Tiny home wood shop students being honored for their efforts and dedication.

Prepairing for Mr. Vidales to officially unveil the tiny home by cutting the ribbon.

Leadership students who participated in documenting the tiny home process.

Students hard at work building a bird house with the help of the Home Deopt Crew, Leadership students and wood shop students.