• Mrs. Kim                           2024-2025                    Math 7  Syllabus

    Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,


    Welcome to Mrs. Kim’s math class!  I am very excited to have each and every one of you in my class!  This will be a terrific year, full of new accomplishments. My goal is to create a positive environment where all students are learning, taking mathematical risks, and contributing to our overall classroom objectives and class climate.

    Course Overview:

    In 7th grade, your child will learn a number of skills and ideas that he or she must know and understand to be ready for college and career. Your child will analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Building on previous understandings of the Number System and operations with fractions, your child will add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers using positive and negative numbers. Your child will continue to use properties of operations to solve expressions and equations as well as prepare for 8th grade Geometry by solving mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.

    Classroom Expectations:

    At the beginning of each session, students are expected to enter at a level one voice, find their appropriate seat, take out materials that are listed on the board, and write down the homework in their agendas. During the lesson, students should show evidence of learning through notes, ask and answer questions, and display a growth mindset. At the end of each session, students will participate in an ending activity, clean up their space, and prepare themselves to transition out of the classroom. 

    Bathroom Policy:

    Students are encouraged to use the restroom during their breaks. Each student will receive three bathroom passes for this class each quarter. Students will turn in a bathroom pass to the teacher in order to receive a signed pass before leaving the classroom. If your student has unused passes, then he/she will be able to exchange them for extra credit points at the end of the quarter.

    Materials Used on a Daily Basis:

    •  Charged iPad, planner, pencil, eraser, highlighter

    Google Classroom and Class Website:

     Class Website and Google Classroom codes are given to students in class. If parents/guardians would like to access, then please email me for more information.


    Grading Scale:


    Weighted %







    Contact Information:

    Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.

    Email: stephanie_lee2@myfsd.org


    Best regards,  

    Mrs. Kim

    (Please fill out the form below. Cut along the dashed line and return the bottom portion to Mrs. Kim.)



    Student Name: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________


    Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________ Signature: ______________________


    Date: _______________________

    (Optional parent/guardian response.)

    What is something you would like for me to know about your student?





