• Ms. Romero's Physical Education/ Strength Training 

    About me: From Santa Barbara, CA

    College: California State University, Fullerton

    Degree: Bachelor of Science +

    Single-Subject Credential 

    4th Year at NJHS


  • Welcome students and parents! My name is Ms. Romero. This is my 4th year of teaching and my 4th year at Nicolas Junior High School. I graduated from California State University, Fullerton with my Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and completed my single-subject credential the following year. I am excited for what this year has in store for us and I can't wait to share my love for PE with you all. 


  • Grading Policy:

    90% - 100% = A

    80% - 89% = B

    70% - 79% = C

    60% - 69% = D

    0% - 59% = F

    All assignments turned in after the due date are considered LATE.

    All LATE WORK will be given a MAXIMUM of HALF CREDIT.


    Absent students must complete make-up activities by Friday of the week following that in which they missed to receive credit.


    O = 0 tardies

    S = 1-5 tardies or loaner use.

    N = 6-9 tardies or loaner use. 

    U = 10+ tardies or loaner use.

  • Schedule:

    Period 1: Physical Education

    Period 2: Strength Training

    Period 3: Strength Training

    Period 4: Physical Education

    Period 5: Prep

    Period 6: Physical Education

    Period 7: Physical Education