Foster Youth Information

  • Supporting Homeless and Foster Youth

    At Fullerton School District, we make sure to provide support for our most vulnerable students, including our foster youth. Below are some important facts related to enrolling and educating foster youth:

    School of Origin

    • Foster youth students have the right to remain in their school of origin (SOO) or the designated school of matriculation while in foster care. 
      • When it comes to foster youth, their "school of origin" is defined as any school they feel connected to, as long as they attended that school within the last 15 months. Alternatively, it can be the school they were enrolled in when they first entered foster care or the last school they attended before entering care.
    • All agencies serving the foster youth shall work together to maintain a stable school placement.
      • This team should include district staff, social workers, probation officers, educational rights holders, foster youth, and our district liaison, Paola Gomez.
      • On some occasions, this team may determine that it is in the foster youths' best interest to change schools.

    Right to Immediate Enrollment in School

    • When a foster youth moves to a new school, they have the right to immediate enrollment, even if they are missing items at the time of their registration process. 
    • As a caregiver, it is helpful to provide the placement papers and proof of residency when enrolling a foster youth.
    • Foster youth students have the right to participate in any activities at their new school, such as sports teams, tutoring, or after-school clubs, even if they miss a tryout. 
    • For any questions regarding enrollment, you can contact the District's Community Liaison, Paola Gomez, via phone at 714-447-7576 or by email at

    Educational Rights Holders

    • All foster youth students under the age of 18 are required to have an educational rights holder. This adult is responsible for making educational decisions that are in the student's best interests.
    • An educational rights holder can be a parent, legal guardian, caregiver, or another trusted adult appointed by the court.

    Board Policy 5116.1

    In accordance with Board Policy, 5116.1, "In the event of no available space at the neighborhood school of residence for an incoming resident student after the completion of Open Enrollment, that student will be placed on an overcrowding transfer to another school. That student is guaranteed a seat at his/her neighborhood school of residence the following school year, or sooner, based on space availability at the neighborhood school of residence."

    If you have questions about enrolling foster youth, the Office of Child Welfare and Attendance is here to assist you.  We can also help connect your family to resources related to housing, food, counseling, and more. Please get in touch with Paola Gomez, our Community Liaison, at 714-447-7576 or Please also see the attached list of resources available throughout the Fullerton Community and information from the California Department of Education regarding homeless and foster youth.