Independent Study

      • FSD Independent Study Options
        On July 29th, the California Legislature approved Senate Bill (SB) 153 which allows an independent study option for the 2024/2025 school year.  We encourage parents to work with their student’s school to determine the best educational option for their student.

        Fullerton School District (FSD) offers the following independent study options:
        • MyFSD Academy Homeschool for parents who wish to homeschool their children can receive curriculum and support from a credentialed FSD Teacher.

        • Distance Learning Program for students are taught daily in a virtual environment by credentialed FSD Teachers.

        • Traditional Independent Study in which curriculum provided for absences, medical necessity, or other reasons.
  • Requesting a Pupil-Parent-Educator Conference

  • Enrolling, Disenrolling & Re-Enrolling

  • Daily Live and Synchronous Instruction for the Distance Learning Program and MyFSD Academy Homeschool

  • Special Education