• Restaurant Skit

  • Restaurant Skit Task

    Performance Date: Thursday, April 25th 

    In your restaurant group you will be memorizing the dialogue in the skit attached.  Please refer to the rubric below to fulfill all of the requirements of the task.


    Restaurant Skit Rubric

    Costume/Prop- Must be wearing a costume with 2 items or more    10 pts.

    Restaurant Script-                                                          5 pts

    Setting- Provide 2 props for a restaurant setting               10 pts.

    Eye contact-                                                                   5 pts.

    Memorization-                                                                5 pts.

    Pronunciation- Sounds authentic                                      5 pts.

    Voice- Can you be heard?                                                5 pts.

    Behavior as audience member                                         5 pts. 

    Total: 50 pts.

    Restaurant_Skit Form - revised 2016

  • iMovie - Restaurant Skit

    Due Date: Friday, May 10th


    1.  In your restaurant groups you will be editing your Restaurant Skit video into  iMovie.  

    2.  Go to Google Drive and select 'add to my drive.'

    3. Go to 'my drive' and select 'send a copy' and 'save video'.

    4.  Open the iMovie app.

    5. Select 'movie and select your theme. Press 'create.'

    6.  Once your movie has loaded, view it as a group.

    7. Each member of the team will edit it to include the following:

    Title: Your Restaurant Name  5 pts. 
    Character Page: Include photo and name of each member in your group.  5 pts. 
    Add Transitions & a 'The End' slide. 
    2 min video of your Restaurant Skit (You may use the classroom version or rerecord it on your own.)   10 pts. 
    8. Save video to camera roll and upload to Google Drive. Share with your group.

    9. Share your edited video to Google Classroom

    Each member of the group must share the video to their Google Classroom. 

    iMovie of Restaurant Skit 20 points