• Color

  • Color Theory

  • Mixed

  • Mixing Color

  • color wheel

    Color is light reflected off of objects. Color has three main characteristics:hue (the name of the color, such as red, green, blue, etc.), value (how light or dark it is), and intensity (how bright or dull it is).

    color wheel

  • Color Theory Worksheet

    Due Date: Friday, Jan. 15th 
    1. Watch the Color Theory Videos.

    2. Use the notes from Mrs. Bretz's lesson and from the video to complete the worksheet.

    3. Be creative and make the correct colors to fill out each section of the worksheet using notability. 


    Pg. 1- 5 pts. 

    pg. 2- 5 pts. 

    Correct color usage 5 pts. 

    Total 15 pts. 

    Element of Art - Color Worksheet

  • Colorful Terms

    colorful terms