• Product Development Advertising Campaign

  • Advertisement Campaign

    Due Dates:

    Journal due Friday, May 6th May 13th
     Poster Ad due Friday, May 13th
     2 min. Commercial due May 20th

     Assignment type: In Class IB Project

    Key Concepts: Aesthetics, Communication, Development

    Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression,

    Scientific & Technical Innovation

    Statement of Inquiry: 
    A local invention can diffuse into a global market through successful and targeted

    Objective: Using the strategies and concepts learned in ELA, Design and Visual Arts,  
    students will:
    1. Design Product Development (Rough Draft) Journal.
    2. Create a 2D advertisement poster for your product.  
    3. Make a 2-4 min. commercial marketing your product.
    (You will use your advertisement in your commercial.)

    You are a newly contracted graphic designer at DeBrevitt Advertisement Company.  (Demonteverde, Bretz, Leavitt) You have been given the job assignment of creating a 2D advertisement for your original product that seeks to influence buyer's perceptions. 

    1. You must create a rough draft journal with samples of your designs before completing your advertisement poster.  The journal must include the following pages:

    cover- Product Name & Illustration 1 pt.
    pg. 1 Detailed Product Description 2 pts.
    pg. 2 Company Name- 5 or more renditions (circle your favorite) 1 pt. 
    pg. 3 Company Logo with visual metaphor- 5 or more renditions (circle your favorite) 1pt. 
    pg. 4 Company Slogan- 5 or more renditions (circle your favorite) 1 pt. 
    pg. 5 Big Idea- What is your message? What problem will your product resolve. 1 pt. 
    pg. 6 Visual Metaphor-  a symbol representing your big idea 1 pt.
    pg. 7 Propaganda Strategy - Which strategy(ies) will you use in your ad.  What phrases will you use to develop this strategy?Target Audience Who are you trying to appeal your product to? 2 pts. 
    ​Journal total 20 pts. 

    2. The following design components must be applied to help sell the product in a 2D poster Advertisement: 

    Product Name & illustration of product 5 pts.
    Company Name, Logo & Slogan 5 pts.
    Propaganda Strategy Statement 5 pts. 
    Visual Metaphor (A symbol representing your big idea) 5 pts. 
    Poster Total 20 pts.

    3. You will record a 2-4minute commercial marketing your product. 

    4.  Use the Rubric above to understand expectations.