McKinney - Vento Information
Students experiencing housing insecurities or transitions have rights under the McKinney-Vento Act.
Every student experiencing homelessness or housing transition has access to the same free and appropriate educational opportunities as the rest of the student population. This applies to all services, programs, and activities provided or made available.
Students who lack a regular and adequate nighttime residence meet the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness. This includes those living in:
- Shared housing with others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons
- Motels, hotels, shelters, or transitional housing programs
- Cars, trailers, camping areas, parks, beaches, abandoned buildings, public or private places not meant for human habitation
- Abandoned runaway or pushed out youth or migratory child living in any of the circumstances described above
Student rights under the McKinney - Vento Act:
- Immediate Enrollment: regardless of lack of proof of residency, immunization/medical or other school records
- School Stability: Right to remain at their school of origin (last school attended) or attend the school of residence (in the area where the family is temporarily residing)
- Have the right to attend the next matriculating school pattern (elementary to middle school and/or middle to high school)
- If the family gains permanent housing, the student can remain at the current school for the duration of that academic year.
- If a high school student gains permanent housing, they are able to remain at that current school site through graduation if they so choose.
- Transportation: to/from school if transportation creates a barrier to attendance
- Meals: automatically qualify for free and reduced meals
- Participation: Title I tutoring programs, Head Start and preschool programs
- Dispute Resolution: If a dispute arises, the student is immediately admitted and able to attend the requested school while the dispute is being resolved.
McKinney - Vento Liaison:
If you have questions about enrolling a student experiencing homelessness, the Office of Child Welfare and Attendance is here to assist you. We can also help connect your family to resources related to housing, food, counseling, and more. Please get in touch with Paola Gomez, our Community Liaison, at 714-447-7576 or