• California Healthy Youth Act in Fullerton School District
    California Education Code 51930-51939
    AB 329/Comprehensive Sexual Health Education & HIV Prevention Education
    Fullerton School District is committed to providing comprehensive sexual health education to ensure the health and safety of our students as required by the Education Code Section 51930-51939.  In Fullerton School District, the requirements of AB329 is met through the 7th Grade Health Curriculum.
    Fullerton School District believes in providing information to our students to protect their reproductive and sexual health. If students ask non-informational questions, they will be asked to speak to their parents or a trusted adult.
    Please see the right side menu bar for frequently asked questions.
    Please use this LINK to see the presentation about Comprehensive Sexual Health Education presented at Pacific Drive School, March 2019.
    In Fullerton School District, Teen Talk, was adopted as the curriculum for sexual health education. It aligned with the requirements fo AB329. The table of contents is in the right side bar. Here is the LINK to the publisher. In Fullerton School District, we review the curriculum requirements and use resources we have implemented in the past with the information from Teen Talk.


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