What curriculum is used for comprehensive sexual health education in Fullerton School Dist

  • In Fullerton School District, Teen Talk and instructional materials previously used in the district guide the instruction of comprehensive sexual health education.  A committee reviewed available materials in 2016.  Teen Talk met the majority of requirements as defined in AB329.  Below is a copy of the table of contents and the scope and sequence used in Fullerton School District currently.  The district continues to work with our families to refine the curriculum to meet the requirements of the law and the diverse perspectives of our community.
    Due to copyright restrictions, live links have been removed.  To see the full curriculum, please go to the junior high school site or K-8 school site and ask to review the comprehensive sexual health education curriculum for 7th grade.  Or you can contact Trang Lai, Director of Educational Services, at 714-447-2878 or trang_lai@myfsd.org.