• CPSEL 4 -  Family and Community Engagement

  • From ACSA website

    Standard 4 
    Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.

    • Recognize and respect the goals and aspirations of diverse family and community groups.

    • Treat diverse community stakeholder groups with fairness and respect.

    • Incorporate information about family and community expectations into school decision-making and activities.

    • Strengthen the school through the establishment of community, business, institutional, and civic partnerships.

    • Communicate information about the school on a regular and predictable basis through a variety of media.

    • Support the equitable success of all students and all subgroups of students by mobilizing and leveraging community support services.

Emerging Leadership Academy - Family and Community Engagement
Emerging Leadership Academy - Family and Community Engagement
  • CPSEL 4: Standard, Elements, and Example Indicators

    From the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, 2014

    Education leaders collaborate with families and other stakeholders to address diverse student and community interests and mobilize community resources.

    Element 4A: Parent and Family Engagement

    Leaders meaningfully involve all parents and families, including underrepresented communities, in student learning and support programs. 

    Example Indicators:

    4A-1 Establish a welcoming environment for family participation end education by recognizing and respecting diverse family goals and aspirations for students.

    4A-2 Follow guidelines for communication and participation established in federal and state mandates, district policies, and legal agreements.

    4A-3 Solicit input from and communicate regularly with all parents and families in ways that are accessible and understandable.

    4A-4 Engage families with staff to establish academic programs and supports that address individual and collective student assets and needs.

    4A-5 Facilitate a reciprocal relationship with families that encourages them to assist the school and to participate in opportunities that extend their capacity to support students.

    Element 4B: Community Partnerships

    Leaders establish community partnerships that promote and support students to meet performance and content expectations and graduate ready for college and career.

    Example Indicators:

    4B-1 Incorporate information about family and community expectations and needs into decision-making and activities.

    4B-2 Share leadership responsibility by establishing community, business, institutional and civic partnerships that invest in and support the vision and goals.

    4B-3 Treat all stakeholder groups with fairness and respect and work to bring consensus on key issues that affect student learning and well-being.

    4B-4 Participate in local activities that engage community members and staff in communicating school successes to the broader community.

    Element 4C: Community Resources and Services

    Leaders leverage and integrate community resources and services to meet the varied needs of all students.

    Example Indicators:

    4C-1 Seek out and collaborate with community programs and services that assist students who need academic, mental, linguistic, cultural, social-emotional, physical, or other support to succeed in school.

    4C-2 Build mutually beneficial relationships with external organizations to coordinate the use of school and community facilities.

    4C-3 Work with community emergency and welfare agencies to develop positive relationships.

    4C-4 Secure community support to sustain existing resources and add new resources that address emerging student needs.