California State Preschool Program (CSPP)
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CSPP Full-Day/Full-Year - Preschool
The Preschool Full-day/Full-year program is offered at Richman and Valencia Park.
The program hours are 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, and it operates 239 days out of the year.
To qualify for the full-day/full-year preschool program, the family must meet eligibility and needs criteria. Several factors are considered when determining needs, including parent/s’ working hours, seeking employment, attending school, finding permanent housing, or being incapacitated.
Sliding Scale fees may apply.
Full Day/Full Year -
Admission Priorities and Eligibility Ranking List
Family Selection Criteria
Recruitment and Priority
10% of CSPP-funded enrollment is set aside for Children with Exceptional Needs
All families will be ranked based on the following Admission Priorities list, as mandated by the State:
Enrollment Priorities for Enrollment :
First: The child is the recipient of Child Protective Services (CPS) or At-risk of being neglected, abused, or exploited
Second: Once the set-aside is filled, children with exceptional needs are from income-eligible families. Prioritize based on income ranking order.
Third: Eligible 4-year-old not enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten. Prioritize children enrolled in CSPP as a 3-year-old, then prioritize dual language learners within each ranking based on the earliest waitlist date.
Fourth: Eligible 3-year-old. Within each ranking, prioritize dual language learners based on the earliest waitlist date.
Fifth: Family income is not more than 15% above the income threshold. Prioritize exceptional needs children, then 4-year-olds, then 3-year-olds. (limited to 10% of funded enrollment)
Sixth: Family resides in approved neighborhood school boundaries. Prioritize based on income ranking order.
California State Preschool Program Sites
An eligibility waitlist will be maintained yearly to ensure enrollment according to State eligibility guidelines. This waitlist will be utilized to fill vacancies that occur throughout the school year.
CSPP Age Eligibility
Children who will turn 3 years old on or before Dec.1 of the current school year.
Children who turn 3 on or after December 2 may be enrolled after their 3rd birthday.
Children who are 4 years old.
Children who turn 5 on or after September 2nd of the current school year.
The child's age must be verified by documentation such as a birth certificate or other state-approved records.
Income Ceilings
Income Ceilings - Effective July 1, 2024
Family Fee Chart
Residency and Preschool Locations
Residency in the City of Fullerton is not a requirement for CSPP. However, proof of residency will be required at the time of registration to verify that the family resides in the State of California.CSPP allows families to select the preschool location that works best for the family's needs. CSPP does not provide transportation.CSPP classrooms are located at the following elementary schools:To determine which school is nearest to your home, click here. -
Preschool Enrollment Packet - ENGLISH
*Please print one-sided
Preschool Enrollment Packet - SPANISH
*Please print one-sided