Resources for Parents

Eligibility for Services

  • Students become eligible for Special Education services through a formalized process of evaluation.  Anyone who suspects that a student is disabled and in need of special education services, may make a formal written request. Requests will receive a response within 15 days of the district’s receipt of the request.  If recommended, assessments will take place within 60 days of a signed Assessment Plan.

    Once a student has been assessed, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting is held to determine a student’s eligibility for services.  Students may be found eligible in one of 14 categories per the California Education Code.

    1. Autism
    2. Deaf-Blindness
    3. Deafness
    4. Hearing Impairment
    5. Intellectual Disability
    6. Multiple Disabilities
    7. Orthopedic Impairments
    8. Other Health Impairments
    9. Emotional Disturbance
    10. Specific Learning Disability
    11. Speech or Language Impairment
    12. Traumatic Brain Injury
    13. Visual Impairment
    14. Established medical disability (preschool only)