
  • At Fullerton School District, we agree to join together and stomp out bullying and cyber-bullying.

    We believe that everybody should enjoy school equally by feeling safe, secure, and accepted regardless of color, race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, popularity, physical attributes, athletic ability, disability, age, and/or religious preference.

    Bullying can be, but is not limited to, pushing, shoving, hitting, spitting, name-calling, picking on, making fun of, laughing at, and/or excluding someone or several people. Cyber-bullying is harassing, humiliating, threatening or embarrassing another person through electronic methods, such as instant messaging, email, postings on social media websites, or text messaging. Bullying causes pain and stress to victims and is never justified or excusable as “kids being kids,” “just teasing” or any other rationalization. The victim is never responsible for being a target of bullying.

    All of our students are taught about what bullying is, how to prevent bullying, and the role of the bystander. Students sign a pledge where they agree to the following:

    1. Value students’ differences and treat others with respect.
    2. Not become involved in bullying/cyber-bullying incidents or be a bully.
    3. Be aware of Fullerton School District policies and support system with regard to bullying/cyber-bullying.
    4. Acknowledge that whether I am being a bully or see someone being bullied, I know that bullying is wrong and hurtful and I pledge to report it to an adult (parent, teacher, principal, or playground monitor).
    5. Be alert in places around the school where there is less adult supervision and bullying is more likely to occur.
    6. Support students who have been or are subject to bullying/cyber-bullying.
    7. Work with other students, teachers, school staff members, and administrators to help the school deal with bullying effectively if it should occur.
    8. Be a good role model by upholding my pledge in supporting zero tolerance towards bullying/cyber-bullying.
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