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- State and Federal Programs
State and Federal Programs provide technical support to schools and the district on state and federal categorically funded programs. District support includes training and assistance with the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) development, Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) development, School Site Council (SSC) training, formation of school and District English Learner Advisory Committees (ELAC and DELAC), assessment and accountability trainings and resources, professional development opportunities, instructional support personnel, and updates to school administration.
The cornerstone of these efforts is the development of the Fullerton School District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), the Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP), each school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and each School Accountability Report Card (SARC). Each of the schools have a dedicated leadership team that includes classified personnel, teachers, administrators, parents, and students. This diverse group, called the School Site Council (SSC), work together to create the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and provide guidance in the development of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The SSC evaluates the school’s needs and then strategize and implement ways to better meet the academic needs of the students. The SSC continuously monitors the implementation of the LCAP, LEAP goals and SPSA and the impact it has on the academic progress of the students. These plans help meet the state and federal mandates and the Fullerton School District Board of Trustee’s approved goals and initiatives.
Fullerton School District receives Federal Title I, II, and III funding to support the academic achievement of students through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Programs are described as follows:
Title I Part A – This program provides aid for pupils in high poverty schools. These supplemental funds provided are to be used to narrow the achievement gap between low-income children and other children in those areas where the highest concentration of children from low-income families attend school. Student identification is based on students who meet the qualification for a free or reduced lunch program under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Title I schools in FSD that offer a School wide Title I program are: Commonwealth, Maple, Nicolas Junior High, Orangethorpe, Pacific Drive, Raymond, Richman, Valencia Park and Woodcrest.
Title II Part A – Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals – This program is designed to enhance the expertise of teachers and staff to enable them to teach all children in the core academic subjects. The program supports sustained and intensive, high quality professional development directed to achieving high performance standards related to challenging State content standards.
Title III– Limited English Proficient Students – This program provides services to ensure that identified Limited-English Proficient (LEP) students, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and meet the same challenging academic content and achievement standards that other students are expected to meet. Students must be assessed by the Fullerton School District for English proficiency to determine services.
You can also explore how these programs support some of the exciting things that are happening in the Fullerton School District and at each of our schools by visiting our websites.