• la comida

  • Menu

    Due Date: Thursday, May 13th


    1. In your group of 3 students, you will create a Menu in SPANISH. 

    2.  Each member of the group is responsible for contributing to the menu.

    3.  The menu must include the following criteria:


    Cover- Must include Restaurant Name and Logo:  4 points

    4 categories:

    Aperitivos/Meriendas (minimum 4 item choices or more, 2 photos minimum):  4 points

    Plato Principal (minimum 4 item choices or more, 2 photos minimum):   4 points

    (The Plato Principal can be divided into Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner or by categories of foods, meats, seafood, etc.)

    Postres (minimum 4 item choices or more, 2 photos minimum):  4 points 

    Bebidas (minimum 4 item choices or more, 2 photos minimum):  4 points

    All items on your menu must include pricing. $$$:   5 points

    Pictures/Illustrations (8 or more): 10 points 

    Organization:  5 points

    Creativity & Neatness:  5 points

    Group Cooperation:  5 points 

    Optional Items on your menu may include: Specials, Children's Menu, Descriptions

    Total Points: 50 points

  • Tengo Hambre

  • La Comida Song

  • La Comida y El Postre