• T1 Art

  • Welcome to Cultural Connections Visual Arts (6th grade)

    Welcome to my Art Class! 

    I look forward to exploring art styles, famous artists, and being creative! 

    On the right side of this tab you will find options for art supplies for this class.  If you already have watercolors or a spiral bound art journal you may use what you have. If not, I have linked a couple options for you to purchase. We will begin using our art journal next week!

    Mrs. Bretz

  • Special Person Portrait 

    Due Date: Sunday, May 10th (Mother's Day)

    Step 1: 

    Step 2: 

    Step 3: 

    Step 4: 

    Step 5:

    Step 6: 

    Step 7: 

    Step 8: 


  • Pierre Maxo - Art Project

    Research Maxo Pierre's art. Pick a couple of his paintings that inspire you and use that in your art. He was greatly inspired by his environment.

    IB - How does your environment affect your art?

    Focus - shape, line, space, color (use only red, yellow, blue, black, and white)

    Medium - Tempera Paint

    Due - Friday, February 24th, 2017

  • Visual Arts Syllabus

    <Google file not found>

  • Art Criteria
