• Color Wheel

  • Color Wheel Project

    Due Date: Friday, February 5th
    Step 1- Making the Color Wheel

    Gather your supplies:
    art journal
    water for cleaning brush
    paper plate for mixing paint
    paint (red, yellow, blue, white & black)
    *If you do not have paint, you may use crayons, watercolor, markers or colored pencils.
    In your art journal, draw lines across the page using a pencil. (see example)
    Lightly write out all 12 colors in each triangle. 
    If you are not sure, use the Color Theory worksheet as a reference.
    In the middle of your paper plate, add a quarter sized blob of each primary colors (red, yellow, blue).
    Using these primary colors, carefully mix your secondary colors.
    Mix your tertiary colors (primary + secondary). Use the photo below as a reference. 
    Optional: If you want to add white to each color you can fill the first ⅓ of the triangle with your tint color. 
    Paint each triangle on the color wheel making sure to follow the correct color order.
    If you are not sure, use the Color Theory worksheet as a reference.
    Remember to clean your brush thoroughly between colors to ensure a vibrant color wheel.
    Fill the entire page with color and let dry completely before moving on to Step 2.
    Step 2 - Adding clippings to your color wheel.

    Gather Supplies: 
    glue or glue stick
    any colorful magazine, photo, mailer, flyer or illustrations
    Carefully cut out your clippings using scissors. 
    Find images of items in all colors. 
    Once you have gathered all your clippings, glue them down to the corresponding color on the color wheel. 
    Try to fill your color wheel with images representing each color. 
    Take a photo (make sure it is clear and bright) and submit to Google Classroom by the due date.
    STEP 3: Complete the Reflection Form

    Send the Reflection form (BELOW) to Notability or print it out.
    Fill out each section in complete sentences. 
    Submit the Reflection along with the photo of your final color wheel to Google Classroom. 
    STEP 1- Color Wheel with correct colors  + 12 pts.

    STEP 2- Clippings added to each color (minimum of 3 clipping per color)  + 12 pts. 

    STEP 3- Reflection Form  + 10 points

    IBMYP Art Reflection Form

    TOTAL  + 34 points

Color Theory Article

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • Basic Color Theory 

  • Color Wheel Sample

    color wheel sample

  • Mixing Color